young man smiling with basketball

The National Youth Sports Foundation for Safety reports that an athlete is 60 times more likely to experience damage to the teeth when not wearing a mouth guard. When it comes to protecting your mouth while playing sports, Dr. Caggiano knows first-hand that a mouth guard is an essential piece of athletic gear.

Finding a properly fitted mouthguard is especially important for people with braces. One blow to the face could potentially damage brackets or other fixed appliances. Additionally, a mouth guard also provides a barrier between the braces and your cheek, decreasing your chances of soft tissue injuries.

Speak with your orthodontist in Parsippany, NJ about selecting a mouth guard that will provide the best protection for you and your braces. Dr. Caggiano understands that mouth guards typically only cover the upper teeth, but recommends that you use a mouth guard on the lower teeth if you have braces.

The health of your teeth is important to us! If you have braces already or are considering braces for yourself or your child, Dr. Caggiano can help answer any questions you have. When it comes to protecting your smile, we offer custom mouthguards for your convenience.

If you are ready to learn more about the importance of wearing a mouth guard during sports, please contact your Parsippany, NJ orthodontics office today! Protect your smile and wear your mouthguard!